Photo by: Rachel Brennecke
Carole Sorell is the founder, president and CEO of Carole Sorell Incorporated. Her clients include Fortune 500 companies such as Ford Motor Company, United Technologies Corporation, Philip Morris Companies Inc., and the governments of Mexico and Hong Kong. Previously she was Assistant Commissioner of Public Affairs, Department of Cultural Affairs, New York City, under the administrations of Mayors Dinkins and Giuliani where she represented over 1800 cultural organizations, serving as the liaison to the Mayor’s Office, the Mayor’s Cultural Advisory Commission, the NYC Commission for the United Nations, NYC & Company (formerly the New York City Convention & Visitors Bureau) and the Congressional Arts Caucus. She also served as Vice President of the American Council for the Arts, where she developed and implemented promotional and marketing strategies for agency programs and advocacy initiatives, which achieved national awareness and celebrity participation. Under this mantle, she was a member of President Clinton’s Goals 2000 Leadership Team, hosted congressional breakfasts and meetings on the Hill, and supervised a national conference, Art Education for the 21st Century Global Economy, bringing together major leaders in the fields of government, business, arts and education. As a Partner and Vice President at Adams Rinehart (now Ogilvy Adams & Rinehart) she headed a division where she worked with leading financial clients. As a Senior Vice President at Ruder Finn, she originated and directed total marketing, communications and promotional campaigns for major corporate clients. She has worked with major personalities and celebrities which include Presidents Clinton and Reagan (working with White House staff), Betty Ford and Joan Mondale, prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, Alexander Calder and John Houseman, Christopher Reeve, Garth Brooks, Kenny G, Michael Bolton, John Mellencamp, Frank Zappa, Ray Charles, Herb Alpert and Tony Bennett. She is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America, Who’s Who of Professional Business Women, Who’s Who in Media and Communications, and Who’s Who in Advertising.